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Athletic Training


Train Smart - Train to Win

  • Advanced vision and balance training including: rotational balance - peripheral expansion - processing speed - accuracy - visual precision - 

  • Core movement exercises focusing on form and point of initiation - abs are a part of core but core is not just abs!

  • Visual processing training  

  • Shift set - accurate rapid attention between multiple points of focus 


Training on the D2 improves reaction times, visual-motor coordination, and peripheral awareness. By improving these skills, the user makes better faster and smarter decisions. 


Get the edge on your competitors. 




Private Sessions


Now Offering

Take advantage of our current special.

January - March session price: $100/hr 


  • designed around the particular needs and goals of the client

  • appropriate for a variety of age groups - children 5+ through older adults

  •  practitioner guidance toward specific exercises, movements, and personal work best suited to client goals and/or challenges

  • strengthen body/brain communication promoting optimal growth and change

  • exercises/modalities:

  1. balance and vision exercises

  2. executive function planning

  3. mindfulness training + take home exercises

  4. primitive reflex integration exercises

  5. core/back strengthening

  6. neural challenges - brain games

  7. focus exercises 


Contact us for details at (303) 810-6781.​

Price based off $140/hour.  

Pro-rated for shorter sessions.

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You are what you do.  

Now offering classes for adults!

  • Convenient and affordable

  • 30 minute classes focus

  • Supportive environment​


  1. core and back

  2. breath-work

  3. strong limbs (in support of core)

  4. vision and balance

  5. neuro challenges


Reservation required if you plan to attend in person.

First Class Free!



Adult classes allow M3K to continue addressing the needs within the TBI community and who are also struggling financially. Attending classes is a win for you and an act of kindness for another!


  • 60 minutes 

  • Lengthen and strengthen the back/spine and neck.

  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles 

  • Movement is followed with a relaxing time of back stretches and quiet breathwork.

  • Abdominal exercises are challenging - modifications available.


Appropriate for ages 20 – 65.


  • Relax!

  • 30 minutes 

  • Back stretches 

  • Breathwork

  • Mindfulness exercise or thoughtful readings.


Wide age-appropriate range, including youth


  • 30 minutes 

  • balance paired with eye exercises

  • Vision and balance are intimately tied through the body’s sensorimotor control systems: vestibular system (motion and balance) - proprioception (touch) - sight

  • Challenging and connecting these systems = optimal performance in everyday life

  • Eyes and the surrounding muscles can be exercised!


Age appropriate for 40 – 80 and those post-head impact.


  • 30 minutes

  • Strong limbs are an extension of a healthy, strong spine

  • Sarcopenia: the gradual loss of muscle mass, strength and function 

  • Muscles atrophy 3 – 8% beginning at 30

  • Limb strength is a major factor involved in independent living and is inversely correlated to frailty, falls, and fractures.

  • Easily accessible class

  • Requires light hand weights and strength bands 

  • Best for people not currently engaged in weight-bearing gym routine


Appropriate for mid to older adults.


  • 60 minutes

  • Neural movement 

  • Focused brain challenges combined movement

  • Works three planes of the body​

  1. Coronal plane separates front (anterior) and back (posterior)

  2. Sagittal (longitudinal) plane separates left and right

  3. Transverse (axial) plane divides upper and lower halves of the body​

  • Begin with stretches

  • Some abs involved

  • End with breath-work



Now Offering

reACT Camp 2025

Join Us!

 Camp is a special time at M3K where campers and counselors alike look at new ways to familiar tasks, explore new activities, take on challenges, and share special camp moments with their camp community.

Kids and even older students need space to grow their brains, bodies, and relational skills through exploration, moving, creativity, and intentional interaction. Whether enjoying a minicamp, sports training, or week long camp we will delve into brain games, creative problem solving, adventure challenges, and intentional play activities which require focus, communication, and a little grit to ge the job done. Camps are fun forward using richly designed curriculum, integrating various aspects of the brain-body connection.

 We will find new ways of looking at the world, seeing and experiencing things with mindfulness, and learning how to tenaciously address open-ended challenges. Snack is provided. Food moves far beyond just nourishment and becomes an opportunity to explore a sensory experience!


Sports training is a way to sharpen visual skills, balance, game brain, and intentional movement requiring inhibitory and initiatory training. Appropriate for a diverse array of athletic disciplines. Take your game up a notch and be a step ahead for autumn sports.


Sign up today! 


*Also offering private Mini Camp options for groups of 4 or more. 


Sensory Camps - neurodiverse/sensory integration:

Through intentional play and group challenges, students explore all their senses. We will work with various textures, engage with auditory, visual, and oral exploration, and move in unique ways. Camp includes sand, water, building, moving, and creating. 



Ages: 6 - 9 yrs old  

Dates: June 9 - 13

Time:  9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 

Cost: $260


July/August Camps - TBA  



Ready to explore moving, creating, building, and neuro challenges? Engage provides a fun and supportive environment for students who enjoy engaging with a broad variety of activities. We will build, move, eat, work in groups, and get wet.  


 Elementary School Week 1: 

Ages: 6 - 10 yrs old

Dates: June 2 - 6

Time: 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.   

Cost: $260 


Elementary School Week 2

Ages: 6 - 10 yrs old

Dates: June 2 - 6

Time: 12 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.   

Cost: $260 


Week 1 Secondary Information: 

Ages: 11 - 15 yrs old

Dates:  June 2 - 6

Times: 12 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 

Cost: $260


Week 2 Secondary Information: 

Ages: 11-15 yrs old

Dates: June 9 - 13

Times: 12 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 

 Cost: $260 


July/August Camps - TBA 


Sports Training - Balance/Vision Intensive 

Precise rotational balance, rapid visual scan and response, anticipatory skills, peripheral vision, cognitive assessment, hemispheric balance, kinetic balance with visual accuracy. 


 Youth 1 Information: 

Ages: 10 - 13 yrs old

Dates: June 16 - 18 

Times: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.  

Cost: $150 


 Youth 2 Information: â€‹ 

Ages: 14-16 yrs old  

Dates: June 16 - 18 

Times: 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.​​​

Cost: $150



Gym & Fitness Liability Waiver
Do you have a doctor’s permit to participate in intense physical activities?

Thanks for submitting!


Baseline Concussion Test and Post Impact Check

Baseline Concussion Test and Post Impact Check

Now Offering


What is a concussion according to the CDC?

"A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury- or TBI - caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching damaging brain cells." (CDC, 2019)


Concussion mechanisms differ. A baseline is useful for everyone, not just athletes. 

  • athletic impact

  • dog walking

  • slip on ice

  • accident

  • fall


Why baseline?

Every brain is unique. Without knowing the nuances of your brain, it is difficult to know what was affected by a head impact. The data collected during a baseline test helps medical professionals know how to best design your care plan after injure. Additionally, the results inform how and when you can safely return to various activities. 


Baseline tests assesses

  • Cognitive processing

  • Balance  

  • Memory

  • Attention

  • Concentration

  • Processing speed 

  • Physical accuracy

  • Reaction time​


If there is concern post-impact, seek professional medical help immediately. As healing begins, ask your doctor when it is time to add additional care and get a baseline recheck.


It is informative post impact to understand the micro shifts in the brain. The Dynavision D2 test collects visual acuity and physical response times to 1/100th of a second, faster than the human eye can accurately assess. Use of vision permeates through 80+% of the brain. Specific vision tests can provide critical information about how your brain is truly functioning after impact. There are several types of confusion baseline tests. Establishing several types of data is suggested for those engaged in high impact activities.  Testing multiple skills simultaneously provides a clearer picture of a person's likely response doing a complex task (multi-tasking or split attention than testing several areas individually. If one or more areas of neurocognitive are functioning at a deficit, there is an impact on the entire task.


Dynavision D2

  • Simple

  • Thorough 

  • Tests visual acuity, peripheral vision, processing speed, memory, executive functions, vision tracking, and balance

  • Measures visual perception and reaction time to 1/100th of a second

  • Identically repeatable

  • Objective computer generated data 

  • Objectively test performance and brain function

  • Have comparitive, pre-impact baseline data

  • Return-to-play decisions

  • Annually or post head impact tests


Results from baseline tests on the Dynavision D2 can be compared to the identical test post impact and provide helpful information for return to play safety.


Get back to doing what you love - Wisely!


Concussion Rehabilitation


Now Offering



Most concussion symptoms resolve on their own within a couple of weeks. However, sometimes post-concussive symptoms persist, interrupting life. PCS is a complex and multi-faceted experience sometimes requiring significant external support. 


According to the Mayo Clinic

Persistent post-concussive symptoms — also called post-concussion syndrome, PCS  — occurs when symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury last longer than expected after an injury. These symptoms may include:  headaches, dizziness, and problems with concentration and memory. 


What, if anything, can be done after head impact to support healing?


  • Research continues to shift best practices after a head impact.  

  • Cycle of movement and rest  

  • Eye exercises are often helpful as vision is generally effected in some way

  • Vestibular work (orientation in space) helps with motion sickness and balance

  • Cranial work for headaches 

  • Primitive reflex exercises for reorganizing the body and brain

  • Dietary changes to balance microbiome in the gut, directly affecting the brain 

(Did you know we have more neurons in our belly than the head?)

  • Mindfulness practices and breathwork to calm the fight or flight response 


Driving for example is a complex task. Safe driving requires visual acuity, accurate spatial assessment, rapid decision-making skills, tight motor coordination, and broad peripheral vision all working cohesively. The same is true when interacting on a field or court, and even while doing complex home maintenance tasks. The concurrent multifaceted D2 testing provides essential information for decisions surrounding return to play, driving safety, and engaging in other complex tasks. 


When concussion symptoms persist, you may need focused vestibular, visual, and mindfulness support.  We are here to help. 

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Office: M3Kinections 876 Dearborn Place Boulder, CO  80303

Copyright © M3Kinections 2013/16

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